peaceful transition of power. trump met with house speaker paul ryan to chart out plans to start a sweeping consecutive agenda that includes gutting obamacare which would have a big impact in south carolina. 150,000 in our state rely on it
for their health care. on the has more on what repealing it could mean heaven if you don't use it. subsidy is a big part of the obamacare. state senator lori is also an insurance agent that has several thousand clients that get health
insurance through the affordsable -- affordable care act. 85% of the people get government subsidies to help them pay for it. we see consumers buy health insurance and making better decisions today than they were
two or three years ago. they couldn't afford it, might not have been getting the preventative care. insurance expert says he thinks we will see congress repeal the requirement that everyone buy health insurance. what that will mean is that
south carolinans will be able to choose whether or not they want to be part of a plan and won't pay a penalty if they opt out they'll be completely on their own if they wind up getting sick the question is what if anything do they replace it with?
if people get sick, they go to the emergency room costing people more. there's parts that are popular like allowing children to stay on their parent's insurance until they're 26. that's the case, people with pre-existing conditions are
likely to see rates rise in the future. critics of obamacare say there would be positive effects to repealing it including helping small businesses grow since some don't expand because they can't afford the health
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