Thursday, January 26, 2017

why dont republicans like obamacare

why dont republicans like obamacare

apparently we're through the worstportion up the stormy weather surrounding the obamacare website from what i've been reading people cannow use it up to 50,000 people simultaneously can logon actually findout about their health care on the ac awebsite that's certainly good news for fans up about your fans that thepresident but there's also other good news the new york times isreporting that the government is expected to spend billions of dollarsless than originally projected on the line is due to a combination offactors including the

expansion of medicare are medicationsthat which everybody knew leading up to this would reduce costs but the republicansjust continue to say it will increase costs that lowerquality of care and things like that no in fact it is actually lowering costsalso the subsidies to the private health insurance companies are going to costless than expected and because of the poor economy over thepast couple of years overall health spending has or then itwas expected when the bill was originally passed into for allthese reasons we'll actually be saving

billions in according to the cblrecently in other reporters last week it is already going to ac is alreadygoing to cut into the deficit this is just going to be good news on top of that good news so e problems that told you they do thistrick great every time they're in office he spent like drunken sailors because they want to improve the economyextra spending improves the common they come out like look at how good we are the economy torepublicans we don't know what money

right and every time there are still got thegot damn deficit i think it's been like two and a halfdays may have another god damn thing about right and what democrats are they dutifullythey cut the deficit they balance the budget clinton did obama now by the way don't forget day one ofobama's administration 1.3 trillion dollar deficit left by the republicans and george w bush okaydon't you like the trick that they are

like to do they try to give that toobama the day it immediately at like that itwas his budget know that's why i get so mad at the press hey mad at you okay because un be before they were like they forgotthat there was a president for eight years of republican they like obama's 1.3 trillion dollars howeverobama i bombers with obama's gonna 128 problemsrate but this ain't one i can accept thenumbers they are working with

and so in this case again he's loweringthe deficit me has always been really good atallowing republicans to change the narrative the story and with the affordable care act would alwaysdrove me crazy is allowed to come into affect in it entirety and then we can do realannounces the what's gonna happen so one story that just popped up in myhead is a story that we did about employers not cutting the amount up full-time employees they have as aresult of the affordable care act one

huge criticism that republicans had it turns out thateven happen right in fact if you look at the dow toother hiring just as many full-time employees as they are part-time employees what that's the wayit works yeah but one thing that i should keep in mind is because they'restill heart up the affordable care act that need tocome into a fact the part about employees employers having to providecoverage to their employees has been do it the late for another yearso i could make that

make that come into a fact but you haveto wait and see i don't like that you have republicansclaiming one thing and then the media just reports on it without doing anyfact-checking without even mentioning than you knowwhat this haven't even come into effect so we don't know yet were actually really bad i'm glad youbrought that up because for the past month we've been suffering under the only thing republicans wanna talkabout is the problems with the website making it out is if that's the biggestproblem the world but now that problem

is gone website seems to work but they're notgonna back off and act on a double down we have a mash-up up gopi representatives attacking obamacare let's watch now presence of care law continues to wreakafrican-american families the obama administration tried to hireanother unilateral one-year delay obamacare those who are familiar with the healthcare law are significantly more likely to oppose it than those whoare not this year they're sitting around

the table thinking what we did for christmas parent parentsare trying to pick up second and even third job cancellation noticefurther insurance hide the one-year delay the businessmanday i just got the past but the insurance is gonna be next year the website problems anyone who's evergone through identity theft knows it is a bad situation back into thewebsite and certainty over a folk and healthcare law why you continue to hide thing tried too hard for years thatmillions of americans would lose the

coverage it hurts businesses it hurts small basisand they shouldn't have to this is not something that is helpingamericans that's why republicans continue to fight to have the patientdriven health care system this bill was fundamentally lost andmore broken promises from this administration one has to ask what else are they hiding i never advocate for the federalgovernment to beach santa claus by didn't want us to be the grange

either and fundamentally flawed law kaygranger is so worried in fact about americans having take two or possiblycan free job search is personally sponsoring a raise in the minimum wage i'm sure have yes of course as cornerbut to ennis point earlier look the reason why they go nuts beforethe law was implemented is because they know they're lying theyknow that was a law gets implemented work it's not going to be all rainbowsand unicorns but a lot of it is good as we're findinga lot of people saying jesus man only pain have what i used to pay thispretty damn good

that's why they can't wait at thefirehall torpedoes all missiles before gets implemented so there's achance that people will believe their lies look at this though and you give mishra like the website didnot go what got no website is the book good match it's good your go we don't do for theball goes quick release so surgeon don't weigh so get therebeing just dumb because it seemed to me they're beingdumb again really think so why well because the website did get picsthey made it sound like the website it's

got they got pics all shit you didn't put you'd think they wouldfix the website 2.0 now i'll tell you what that's a great question because you'reright because you think that we would at some point to get your pics and yeah iknow website developers generally suck yeah i said it i okay we've had trouble okay anyway up but that's not the thing what we're trying to do is damage thebrand so like are democrats are

incompetent obama's incompetent failure is thefailure for as long as they say that even begin specs later well stick is three months ok like billyour failure incompetent can't deliver and so they think check missionaccomplished okay it's easy

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