the same meal released a major reportlots of information about the economy some other good summer that bad butthere's only one back that the mainstream media want to talkabout today and that has to do with obamacare costing jobs and so specifically %uhthere's a section in the cv or poor that says the reduction in cb owes projectionsabout hours worked represent a decline in the number of full-time equivalentworkers about two million in 2017 rising toabout 2.5 million
in 2024 now as you might suspect there'smore going on than what's just in that sentence but immediately republicans and otherright-wing media have jumped on it lindsey graham tweeted: this outobamacare will cost our nation about 2.5 million jobs and increase the deficit by$1 trillion dollars i speaker john boehner says for yearsrepublicans have said that the president's health care law representsup presenter site creates uncertainty for smallbusinesses hurts take-home pay and makes it harder to invest in newworkers the middle class getting
squeezed in this economy and the cb over poor confirms thatobamacare is making it worse and even the new york times by the waythe paper record says the cd or port is providingrepublican opponents of the law speaking about the ac a a powerfulpolitical weapon leading up to this year's midterm elections min now unfortunately forthose republicans are actually they probably don't give a damn but if you care about the truth if thatactually costing those jobs what's
really happening is that under obamacare the number hours workedwould decrease by about 1.5 to 2 percent during that time frame and those lost hours where theytranslated into the equivalent up 2.5 million jobs the jobs are now lost the apple or willinglychoosing to work fewer hours either in a job that theywere tainted or leaving a job that they work basically job locked into becausethey wanted to retain other health insurance now the ac a'sfreeing up from that
yep so two points about that i find itreally interesting that republicans are so against the affordable care act and they're trying to make this pointespecially because republicans will make the argument that a person should have the ability to leave a jobin order to find something that better suits them and not feel pressured to stay at oneplace because it provides health insurance now that all employers will have toprovide some form of health insurance to
its employees a full-time employees well now a suddenyou have a little more flexibility you're not stuck doing something thatyou just like because you can go somewhere where youfeel like you're treated me well with more respect or you're doing something that you likemore whatever the reason is and that flexibility is so important yeah republicans used to say that they wouldfavor about what happened now we've got some others that we read yeah
now some things a little differently i'manother thing that i will say is look island read that ce cbr report and it's tricky right and andthe thing is anyone can use statistics and twisted ina way where it'll suit their agenda and theycan use it for their objectives but like you read that and it is alittle tricky right like i'm like wait what does that mean does it mean reallylose two million jobs well let's get some clarity on this yet but we got paulryan so i we've got a couple republicans %uh paul ryan hehas his own
objective but that i actually miss gotthis clip is him talking to wanted the the official that the cpo andthey're gonna lay out exactly what the cdo meant when theywrote that in a report what is your best estimate the effect that obamacare will have a total numberhours worked which is the issue we're talking but i just wannamake sure we're week we accurately understand what it is you're saying right we think that the affordable careact will reduce the total number of hours worked in economy
by between one and a half and twopercent between 2017 and 20 24 relative what would have happened inthe absence that act what is that inc a quick one ft'sfull-time couldn't workers my best to the conclusion thatwe dont to translate that but suggest that equivalent to betweentwo and two and a half million up production in full time equivalentemployment so just big make sure we're everybodyunderstands this and i think reading the report two millionequivalent in 2017 i am 2.3 million equal than 20 21 and2.5 million equivalent in 2024
writes mister chairman so justunderstand this it's not that are employers are laying people off it'sthat people aren't working in the workforce arts applying labor to the equivalent of two and a half million jobs in 2024 and as a result that lower work workparticipation rate that less labor supplied lowers economicgrowth yes that's right researcher yep allalthough it seems without saying a presumably if they're not being suppliedby those workers wouldn't
other people then fill-in get out thatis where that nobody is mentioning that got away they talk about like let's look stop theillegal immigrants in america and get the job so they understand if you getone person to another person but for some reason when these peoplewillingly opt out at the jobs can't replace them yet that person withindispensable yet not even know jim he was great as job but actually reallygreat point yeah i'll be able to make it i will say this and it's very rare thatthis ever happens the fact i don't think this is ever happened i will
i give paul ryan some credit forclarifying this and refusing to use the cb 0 report as away of pushing his agenda because that's what a lot of republicans have obviouslydone and he took the time to ask a number ofquestions to clarify it and i think that that was a reallyclassy thing for him to do abut with that said he's also hold it aclassy thing for me to do because he could have got on with the republicannarrative that you know the affordable care act is gonna cost cost the us economy 2.5 million jobs youknow how much
how great does that sound for theirparty um even though their party would have been supportive of theaffordable care act if a republican president had proposed that but anyway up the one thing that i willalso say is he ryan then turned around and said thisis where he loses the class hit around said well this is a good newsbecause it means americans are lazy yeah know so that we don't know where togo for making dietary lose me that %uh they're gonna work last we want back yet those 67-year-old whoare only
still working because they needdesperately to have their health insurance we're finally going to befreed from it through the eighth day lazy okay alrightlittle early people consider that come election time but i there but there's another reasonperhaps what paul ryan is defending this portion a vaca and that is because paul ryan and manyother republicans have for a number of years been advocatingfor exactly this liberating people from their employer-provided health care
so we've got some quotes let's startwith paul ryan actually so the key question that ought to beaddressed in any health care reform legislation years ago is are we going to continuejob lock or are we going to allow individuals more choice and portabilityto fit the 21st century workforce let's see we've got this is %uh underthe mccain plan which link tax breaks directlyindividuals instead to their place at work very important individuals it would nolonger feel obligated to stay with their
employers simply because they need tokeep their employer-based health fascinating though the republicannominee i'm not not too long ago mitt romney i also why individuals to be ableto buy insurance health insurance on their own as opposed to only beingable to get it on a tax-advantaged basis through their company they've been pushing for this butapparently when it actually i comes into operation if they get somekind of political advantage at a bit they're gonna take a okay republicans are never genuine intheir disdain for the affordable care
act would be really hate is that the obamaadministration is getting name recognition for something that will bevery very popular it's becoming more and more popular as moreelements a bit are being enacted right but but i mean this was a a republicanplan to begin with right in massachusetts republicans heat thatobama's gonna get the credit for it so they're doing everything they can torepeal it or to make it seem like it's worse than it really is it's a huge handout to private industryto private companies right that's like
the republicans wet dream so everything that they say against theaffordable care act is completely you know anything negative to thecomplete lie they don't believe it themselves it's just a political game and you know you lookback at what they said in the past and you realize that
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