Wednesday, January 25, 2017

who proposed the affordable care act

who proposed the affordable care act

(applause) the president: dearpresident obama, i do not yet qualify for medicare,and corporate is about to run out. i am desperate and donot know what to do. do it for them. do it for people who arereally scared right now, through no faultof their own. who have played by therules, who have done all

the right things. let's get this done. somebody knows wherealonya sanchez is? (laughter) (talking simultaneously) the president: the - soeverybody know about - male speaker: right yeah,but it going to be - it's not going to be foranother forty to fifty minutes.

the president: okay fortyminutes, all right, so katie? female speaker:yeah, we are good. the president: you aregoing to let me know? female speaker: yeah soit will be about forty minutes, then you willhave fifteen minutes of calls, then the talks. male speaker: what do youthink they're going to do - the president: you guyscould have had some popcorn. the president: i want tothank my outstanding vice

president, joe biden. and my wonderful secretaryof health and human services kathleen sebeliusfor her fantastic work on this issue. i want to thank the manystaffers in congress, and my own incredible staffin the white house. who have worked tirelesslyover the past year to give americans of all walkof life, towards reform package finally worthy ofthe people we were sent

here to serve. all right, theparty's upstairs. whenever you got peoplerunning up, and someone else can come with me now. multiple speakers:(cheering) the president: nancyann, nancy ann. the president: thatdoes not work as well. i am not going to ruina good party with long speech. so many of you guys haveworked so hard during the

course of this yearunder incredibly adverse circumstances. your families have,you know, shared the sacrifices with you. you are allyounger than me. so you can work on threehours sleep, but i cannot. so i am going to startretiring you guys can stay as long as you want. all right, thank you guys.

the vice president: heyal, how are you doing buddy? male speaker: i am doingfine mr. vice president. how are you? the vice president:good to see you. i'm well. good to see you. so it really is 220 pages. male speaker:yeah, it's -- the vice president:599 pages.

i'm just joking. male speaker: well it's --in this format it is 906 pages. the vice president: allright, i like big bills. you what i mean,i am a democrat. male speaker: here you go. the vice president:all right. male speaker: that's it. female speaker: woohoo.

the vice president: tellyou what, i never thought being president's second iwould get to sign a bill. male speaker: yes you do. there are perks. the vice president: mylord al this thing is - male speaker: wantto sign them all? the vice president:yeah, no. male speaker: greetings. female speaker: holy cow.

male speaker: yes. female speaker: that'sthe biggest one yet. male speaker: yeah it's - female speaker:here we go. male speaker:-- pretty large. male speaker: there it is. female speaker:here it is. the president:what's going on? let's do this.

i've got to sign it 22 times. that's a lot of pens man. male speaker: ladies andgentleman please take your seats the programis about to begin. the president: the reasonwe made history today was because of you guys. and, you know, i -- thisplace is kind of a bubble, and one of the ways iremind myself of why i ran, and why this isimportant is to be able to read the letters, oremails, or meet people at

town halls who tell mestories all the time about what they aregoing through. and sometimes the storiesare heartbreaking, you know, because as powerfulas it seems the president is, you know, you can'tsolve these things overnight sometimes. so, you know, you will geta letter from somebody who just lost their job, or isabout to lose their house and you want nothing morethan to be able to help them.

and you can't do it asfast as you want, or as immediately as you wouldlike, but if you stay with it every once in a whileyou actually get something that helps some folks, andit might not even help them tomorrow, but it willhelp them a year from now or five years from now. and, you know that's --male speaker: it will help our kids -- the president:yeah, it will help -

male speaker: andour grandkids. the president: -- ourkids and our grandkids. and that's really whatthis is all about, so this really was your day. you know, i know it maysound corny, but i really believe it. that if it were not foryou just telling your stories, and lettingyourselves be heard that we would not have beenable to overcome so

much of the resistanceto get it done. so, you should patyourselves on the back. all right. okay, i am going to writethis note for you, myself.

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