there's a huge republican crisisdeveloping it's not because they said something incredibly anti-gay areagainst women it's simply a crisis as a resultobamacare working better and better almost every day every week we have better andbetter numbers as eugene robinson right in the washington post this is the republican worst nightmare thatis coming true nearly 1.2 million people signed up lastmonth for insurance through the affordable care act exchanges
and this is really just not convenientfor republicans around the world it seems like their two-pronged strategy for theelection which is bashing obama and bashing obama care is at least going to take some whateverhit because obamacare really is doing quite well the obama administration now since the program's lacking launchbecause at the website troubles has now achieved enrollments that hadexceeded or matched expectations depending on how it is measured
read that again surpassed expectationsdon't forget that the entire discussion was that nobody was signing upfloridians are now locking the affordable care act plansalmost 300,000 florida resident seven rolled you thefederal exchange in that figure surged by eighty eight-percent in onemonth as the website problems were fixed also the the there are 3.3 million people humoral accumulatively that have choseninsurance plans through the state and federal exchanges
by the and january that is as a total less than the administration had hopedfor but well above the predictions are those who created new numbers based on how thingswere going after the initial rollout and when you look more closely at thenumbers they're even more encouraging if you look at the proportion of youngpeople between 18 and 34 years old who choseinsurance plans through the exchanges that number is also up 27 percent compared with anaverage of just
24 percent in previous months this wasactually part of the anti obama care strategy remember thatmany anti obama care people i don't even knowwhat to call them were saying to young people don't signup the way to protest obamacare is not to sign up knowing that the financial viability ofthe entire program is dependent upon young people who statistically tend tobe healthier about signing up and kind of balancingout the premium pool and lastly to add on towhat eugene robinson writes in the
washington post remember that these successes that weare now seeing now that the website is all well fixed up and working properly are inspite have many republican governors refusingto create the state exchanges altogether some saying no to the medicaid expansionthis is really a crisis republicans have donejust about everything they could the stand in the way of obamacaresuccess and it is clearly working right but
the war on obamacare is not over if yougo ahead still see all sorts have skewed polls and misinformation abouthow it's not working and how people were dying and now i you name itright as you know people were dying before because of health care access tohealthcare related issues right right it's all nonsense but i'm i'm glad to hear that supports thisis good news in a logical rational world that wasn't just subject to the constantleft-right democrat republican political posturing that the united states people would be saying all people wouldbe saying hey wait a second
you know the website didn't work thatwell but millions and millions of people are signing up people are are aka finding the best care option as part of one of these federalor state exchanges maybe this is viable maybe we should gofurther let's further explore why it is that every other country andour level of development has already implemented single-payeruniversal government-run health care maybe we should do that unfortunately wehave a barrage of right wing propaganda and lobbyist funded revel in thiscountry
that will withstand any success at leastin terms of what we will see publicly and we're going to have to continuepushing for better health care in this country in spite love the never-ending anti anything where the government isinvolved anything were corporations might have slightly less say over our health care that we're justgonna have to keep fighting and remember obamacare gave the insurance companies 30 million new customers there's nothingsocialist about it
at all
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