Wednesday, February 1, 2017

will obamacare ever be repealed

will obamacare ever be repealed

the republicans have proposed a bill again to repeal obama care okay know-how ridiculousness has gone the press has literally lost count now i'm not getting one article i readcitizen to thirty seven to ten attempts but i know it's not the thirtyseventh attempt because i looked in my

own archives on you too dot com slashsecular talk and i did uncovered the thirty seventh repeal attempts a few weeks ago another article said it's the thirty-ninth attempts at onewas up to forty uh... but i'd sold forty twice onthinking forty is probably the most accurate count and listen the specifics this will be at least

these forty third day since republicans took over the house that they have devoted time to voting onrepealing obama care to put that in perspective they've held votes on only two hundredeighty one days since taking power in january twothousand eleven so every single day today voted there'sa bit only two hundred eighty one days where the voted on something read three in those days or one of thethings was repealing obama care one

former nada that means that since two thousandeleven republicans have spent no less thanfifteen percent of their time on the house floor on repeal in some way fifteen percent of their time onsomething that has not a prayer of passing you know if you know anything aboutpolitics you know it has less than zero percent chance of passingbecause in the off chance to get through the house and it goes to the senatewould be killed in the senate is

majority democratic it'll work forwhatever reason even though would be happy to get to the senate to go to thepresident's desk he would have turned out to be held hisown legislation in totally wasted about ninety hours andfifty million dollars uh... i don't think you guys realize just how mental missus but interestingly enough i know it's crazy and its out there andit's loony tunes

uh... i read the article earlier basically explained why they keep doingit and you're gonna be amazed by the resultshave been doing it so as you guys know going all the wayback to when we were having healthcare debate the right wing when all systems goagainst the bill uh... they pulled out all the stops imean the live through their teeth and they lied repeatedly

saying all the death penalty one pullthe plug on grandma you remember all this ya diario right it what's amazing is that the propaganda so there was majority support for obamacandidate dropped now uh... since the republicans have beenhammering away and trying to repeal it so many times and they are all they keeptalking about they haven't given up on this issue even though it's essentiallydead

when you look at the polling they've been chipping away even more according to one poll from uh... kaiser fifty three percent of the americanpeople like the fact that the republicans are obstructing i mean that's crazy man but it shows you what we've been talkingabout all along which is that marketing

and doubling down and making your he's is a good idea so what to do and what resemble but what are the republicans do whateverthey pass a policy they brag about it babies when they're makes around mightbe a liberal media getting them in some bad policy like our year were also lookat us over here when democrats do

you're just passed a bill that bears pre-existing conditions on bill uh... mandates that health insurancecompanies have to spend at least eighty percent of their money on actual healthcare and i'm not sayspaperwork one before the ratio is out of black you expanded medicaid so more peoplewill get covered you give tax credits the middle class tohelp pay for health care

it's not my favorite health-carelegislation but it's something and what do you know silence i haven't heard anybodycontinually bring about i have heard anybody consistently bring up positive provisions in awhile i care now they let their writing wrong runroughshod and what happens it reflects itself inthe polling so of course as the republicans alwaysare to parts to them one side is on thepolicy front on the policy front

neanderthals i mean they're barbariansthey might as well have to wear the old school like you know uh... toga looking gore and carry carclubs around with them becoming a crazy they're crazy right butin terms of how they market themselves see a lot ofpeople think off trail the democrats one and two thousand and two thousand twelveobviously were more popular and when you leave do you understand that the ideas of therepublican party the policies of the republican party pull it light tenpercent twenty percent approval rating

but yet somehow they always get at leastforty five percent of the country on their side it's because they hammered away and theyhammer away the democrats' never fight back

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