doing the thing where she says god isgoing to get rid of obamacare up last year she told james dobson that god is going to answer our prayersand bring about a repeal obamacare that still hasn't happened but michelebachmann is still maintaining her faith saying that if christians pray and if they pray the right way god willsoon get rid of obamacare check it out do you think see any path any path in which we could in spite of all the horrible stories are coming out now onthe where the awareness thats
coming to the regular americans abouthow bad this was just as you said it was going to be any path for stopping you know i reallydo i i believe that but outlook for interestpeople and i think its believers hambleton self-confessed percent andpray i got here from shares our heart and he movedemotion miraculously i'm not getting up it's weird because ifgod listens to his people god must have listened to his people andelected barack obama president not only once but twice at this point and it'sreally been a long time now
that obamacare has passed both legal andlegislative scrutiny in opposition is it going to be soon louis that godstrikes down obamacare i'm getting tired of waiting yeah i want these dayshe's just gonna walk into the building on c span and stuff and and not start their own orders aroundit's very strange how selective he is back to about everything that's going on herewith politics what is michele bachmann think people are saying in their prayersto god to get rid of obamacare all lord please take health care awayfrom the least among us and allow
the godly for-profit insurance companiesto deny coverage for pre-existing conditions again in jesus name i mean what type of prayerwith somebody illicit what's up with somebody elicitfrom their kids imagine that he say children it's time to pray for therepeal of obamacare please pray to god that we take away therights have 25-year-old's to stay on their parentsinsurance net the idea is absurd and i'm actually gladthat michele bachmann has now been moved to the fringes at thepolitical debate yeah it's its really
betting it's it's way past i time forthat it she she did a lot of damage but it the theright thing happen in the end alright david pakman dot com slashmembership to sign up visit our new read it discussion forum it's blowing upour first 100 subscribers came in overnight lewis's on their people are askingquestions i'm mixing it up with people the egg man is on there go to reddit dotcom slash are slash the david pakman show hit thesubscribe button it's free you'll keep up to speed withthe discussions
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