Friday, February 3, 2017

will they get rid of obamacare

will they get rid of obamacare

for years, republicans have been telling usand attempting to repeal the affordable care act. "repeal and replace” is the phrase thatthey have always used since day one. ‘we're going to repeal it and we're goingto replace it. we're going to take it away from you. we're going to give you something better.’ since donald trump won the election and republicanssaved their majorities in the house and senate, they've done nothing but talk about repealand replace, repeal and replace. paul ryan has said they're absolutely readyto pull the trigger on this, but today senate

republicans are saying, ‘hold up. not so fast, because as it turns out, we reallyhave no idea what we're going to replace it with.’ in essence, republicans are telling us, ‘youknow, i never thought i'd get this far with this plan, so you got to actually give mesome time to think about this, because it's a big frigging deal,’ to paraphrase joebiden when the law was signed. now, it's not a surprise that republicanshave no idea how to govern. they don't know what kind of law they wantto write. they don't know how to protect american workers,and consumers, and citizens with a kind of

healthcare bill that we need, and that's whythey're kind of freaking out right now, because they have been making these promises to theirconstituents for six years. they have been wasting time in the house ofrepresentatives for six years trying to repeal the affordable care act, and promising usalong the way that they're absolutely going to replace it with something better. it turns out, that something better doesn'tquite exist yet. again, it's because republicans are all talk,no action. they only came out against the affordablecare act because they thought that's what their constituents wanted to hear, becausetheir constituents still were under the false

belief that this thing was going to containdeath panels, or that the government was going to tell you which health insurance companyyou had to purchase from regardless. they thought it was going to raise their taxes. they thought it was going to be the worstthing ever, and it turns out that those red states are the ones who most rely on the affordablecare act. i think republicans kind of understand thatnow. i think they understand that the second theyrepeal it, their constituents are the ones who are going to lose their health insurance,which means their constituents are going to be the ones pissed off, which means thoserepublicans are the ones who are going to

pay the price. on the one hand, you have to give it to therepublicans a little bit, because they actually kind of learned something here. you can't just make all these promises withoutsomething in the works. i mean, again guys, you had six years thatyou've been talking about repealing it. not once during those six years did anybodylook around and say, ‘hey, hey what are replacing this with, by the way? has anybody drafted that bill? has anybody looked into it?

has anybody done research? has anybody talked to people?’ you guys didn't have the foresight to do itthen, so what makes us think you're going to do it now? the answer is that you're not. the affordable care act is not going to goaway in its entirety, at least not anytime in the next couple weeks, probably not thenext couple months, because republicans in washington aren't smart enough to replaceit with anything. they are smart enough though to understandthat it's the people who voted for them that

are going to lose their health insurance,and those republicans are the ones who are going to lose their jobs if they take obamacareaway.

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