as time passes more and more of thepositive ineffective uh... aspects of the affordable our health care act arecoming out what we jump to the c_b_o_ says repealing obama cared is last year theydid their valuation will increase budget deficits by one hundred nine billiondollars over the next decade like those numbers keep coming out andit's harder harder every year to fight against that would keep in light of thepeople by how much it costs only for so long uh... and so i think that they'refighting a losing battle i think also by
the way that the democrats need to getout in front of this as public perceptions of old bum a careat changes become more positive stop just fighting against these repeal votespass another health care bill like did a little bit more for theamerican people like keep hitting them like they were there on the defensivenow they're not gonna win on this and so i think you need to takeadvantage of that another interesting area of the story ofa jr brought to my attention is that as a part of this continualvoting to repeal bomb a care being in the c_b_o_ to score never findout how much of a it's gonna cost over
time and the c_b_o_ is not having any of theanymore uh... we got a call from arepresentatives they say that preparing a new estimate of the budgetary impact of repealing ac_i_a_ with a considerable time probably several weeks because there are hundreds of provisionsin the a c a and those provisions are already invarious stages of implementation moreover we've just finished atime-consuming task of updating our
baseline budget projections and need tofinish our analysis of the president president's budgetary proposals like the c_b_o_ is nonpartisan they canbe used by both democrats and republicans to try to of value at the long-term cost of theseprograms but you can abuse it you can use it thirty seven thirty eight thirtynine times at some point you have to say no it's like what happened when they keptasking for obama's birth certificate in-flight you only get to see it so manytimes and then after a certain point
just on google you can see like standsin it or something like that um... so this is kind of a sideshow iunderstand that they're just trying to be able to go home to their district tolook good understand that as well but it's annoying and as some silverlining i think it's a sign but they are gonna lose on this thanks to a provisioning the affordablecare act unheeded data bases being stocked with information about the wildly despair costs of healthcare procedures
and so but let's get some informationabout what what this database is doing so uh... its removal by the administrationin conjunction with the centers for medicare uh... and medicaid services andbasically what it does is over two thousand eleven it looked at the one hundred mostcommonly build medical procedures and try to find out a different hospitalshow much of the cost uh... the data released covers claimsthat were filed in fiscal year twenty
eleven and includes over a hundred andsixty-three thousand individual charges recorded at more than thirty threehundred hospitals in three hundred and six metropolitan area so is extremelycomprehensive now we're gonna talking about the restof the story of the new york area uh... because information is just sold aninteresting i love this coming out i need to know this is a part of obamacare but it's now mind you favor part so we're gonna talk about the cost of ofthree different medical procedures and understand that we're talking aboutnew york city
some of these hospitals were to bediscussing it is a couple of blocks are most a couple of miles away from eachother so let's imagine hypothetically you had to put the patient on aventilator how much does that cost now on the low end the lowest even find is fifty threethousand dollars but damn if you make the mistake in go in the wrong hospital they can cost you up hundred and fifteenthousand dollars more than twice as expensive
for the exact same procedure moving on something a little bit morecomplicated obvious is treating a heart attack with force tents and majorcomplications and this is a life-threatening illness here eighty nine thousand dollars on the lowend one hundred and sixty six thousanddollars on the high and again almost twice as expensive uh... and perhaps most shockingly thisis up for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ceo peavey
the range is from eleven k on the lowend all the way up to ninety nine thousand dollars in the high end and again i cannot stress this enough this is for the exact same treatment nowlook there might be some d_r_ reasons for the praises the different house forthe hospital in a better neighborhood uh... doctors that have a betterqualifications or something like that but at the end of the day we're talking about the same treatmentfor the same disease
and it can be up to nine times moreexpensive from one hospital to another why this information is important whyrefocusing on it because the magic that you're not john bainer yahoo dot eric cantor thepresident and these procedures need to be paid foreither by your health insurance or perhaps out-of-pocket what does it mean to a family to pay either eleven thousand dollars
for ninety nine thousand dollars in thesame neighborhood in the same perot that is a leif altering and possibly family incredit destroying difference right there and we would not have known about it ifnot this obscure provisions the creators database in the affordable care act it's extremely important i think now i don't know where we're going to gofrom here what we're gonna do with this information
their there's some quotes that i've beenreading from the executives at hospitals and they say that yeah this looks really bad but it's veryhard to make any changes you know we have these sliding scales and thingslike that hard to make any real lingering doubtchanged i don't know maybe they're right i guess i'm not a a hospitaladministrator but love the information is out therei'd want people to get angry about this i want people to get worked up aboutthis
because we have huge problem in americawhen it comes of the cost of our health care one of the right loves to talk about howhigh a quality is that may very well be true for all iknow that ninety nine thousand dollars the opi train a treatment is the best inthe world and that's great but i would love to get the average backdown towards eleven k i think that that would be better not just for the families but the companies that health insurancecompanies have to pay for it like we're
gonna talk later on about the theinfluence of health uh... insurance costs have our deficit i have to think that the differencebetween eleven k in ninety nine k has some long-term effect on ourdeficits uh... and finally dat internet that this information isout there if he becomes available in a very easy to use fashion on somegovernment website which very well might be the case i would advise you to pleasebefore going for any of health
uh... anne treatment any medicalprocedure look at the cost of these differentuh... differ hospitals because it could be athey could make a difference at last the rest of your life
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